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On this amazing journey along the Northwest Frontier, we will drive from the capital Islamabad, through stunningly spectacular scenery, to the ancient kingdom of Chitral. Here we will spend two days with the Kalash before heading on over the Gilgit to one of the most beautiful places on earth, Hunza. We will complete our circuit by returning to Islamabad after exploring the stunning valley of Skardu.

Please note that there is a festival departure each year and overnight stops may vary slightly on the individual departures.

The adventure lasts around 16 Days. A detailed schedule of the journey can be downloaded below.

Important notice:

The above schedule should be taken as a guide only. Inclement weather may cause delays in our journey, whether we are on foot or traveling by vehicle. Our schedule has been planned to allow for variations and where necessary, spare days will be used to compensate for these changes. Our guide reserves the right to make modifications or alterations to the trip schedule in the best interests and safety of all involved. A flexible approach will allow us to efficiently and effectively achieve trip objectives.

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